(516) 293-8545 [email protected]


OSIA Columbus Lodge 2143 Scholarship

For members who have been with Columbus Lodge #2143 for more than one year, the lodge will make available the opportunity to receive a scholarship for its members’ children and grandchildren who are graduating high school and seeking further education.

Scholarships are also available to ANY graduating senior from any of the following High Schools: Massapequa, Farmingdale, Bethpage & Plainedge. 

All applications must be postmarked by April 1st, 2024.

Good luck to all the applicants!

 Graduating College seniors who are related to members of Columbus Lodge #2143 in good standing please click above.   


Columbus Lodge #2143

Order Sons of Italy in America

2143 Boundary Avenue

S. Farmingdale, NY 11735

Web      www.columbuslodge2143.org